Combined generation of electricity and heat, i.e. cogeneration, is a method of generating electrical energy in which the heat released during the electricity generation process is used in a useful way, thus achieving a very high efficiency of use of energy contained in the fuel. At the same time, this process minimizes the losses that occur in conventional electricity generation. Due to the efficient use of “waste heat”, the combined heat and electricity generation can save up to 70 % of the energy contained in the fuel compared to separate electricity and heat generation. If the CHP unit is equipped with an additional absorption unit, we speak of trigeneration.
Saves fuel resources
and CO2 emissions
Uses renewable
energy sources
It generates electricity
at the point of consumption
Heating plants and district heating systems
Industry and agriculture
Swimming pools and aqua parks
Sports facilities
Schools and universities
Hotels and pensions
Hospitals and clinics
Retirement homes
Office buildings