Customer: Greenhouse operator
Facility: Vegetable growing facility
Technologies installed:
Description of operation:
This is an agricultural greenhouse in which vegetables are grown all year round. The essential input for this type of operation is light and heat.
Light is provided by the HPS and LED light sources, among which the aFRR+, aFRR-, mFRR+ and mFRR- services are distributed. Due to their appropriate combination, the standard light cycle of the greenhouses during the year is not limited. By selecting the appropriate service and setting the activation prices according to the input/output price, a light supply is ensured that provides the plants with the necessary conditions for their growth.
Heat is provided primarily by CHP units, which also generate the electric power for consumption by the lights or for supply to the grid. Their operation depends on the need for heat and light. Depending on the season, the units can thus provide a combination of mFRR+, mFRR- and aFRR+ services. Even the setting of activation prices corresponds to these needs, thus ensuring a more efficient overall operation. The backup heat source is an electric boiler which, thanks to its characteristics, can provide aFRR service all year round without limitations. Due to the frequency of service activations, the need to start CHP units can be reduced.
By connecting to the TEDOM aggregation block, the customer has received additional revenues of CZK 50,000,000 in the first 8 months of 2023, without changing its mode of operation and without any additional costs. Further savings would then be achieved through the activations in which electricity and heat would be produced and the customer would be paid for the production.